Sustainable forest management is evidenced by the certification achieved for continuous improvement, provides guarantees for product marketing, is safe for the environment and supports the economic development of local communities, and lives in harmony.
The certification standards achieved create a process of sustainable forest management to ensure that wood harvest is produced from legal sources, meets production, ecological and social aspects and tracked at points of origin that verified.
PT Musi Hutan Persada has Sustainable Forest Management certification of IFCC standard under the Programme for the Endorsement of Forestry Certification (PEFC) in conjunction with its Indonesian partner, the Indonesian Forest Certification Co-Operation (IFCC). Sustainable forest management certification of IFCC-PEFC standard with Certificate No. AJA/IFCC-PEFC/FMC-HT/00037/III/2017 issued by AJA Registrars Europe.
PEFC is the world’s leading forest certification system and a rigorous, globally recognised standard that works as a mechanism to verify and promote sustainable forest management and sustainably produced wood products. With SFM certification of IFCC-PEFC standard and PEFC Chain-of-Custody at PT TEL Pulp and Paper, it guarantees that all wood products come from sustainable forest management that is 100% PEFC certified.
In addition to the certification mentioned earlier, in plantation operations, PT Musi Hutan Persada produces wood products that have verified and the wood harvested is not from an unacceptable source. Unacceptable sources of wood are:
PT Musi Hutan Persada has the certification of Sustainable Production Forest Management and Timber Legality Verification (PHPL-VLK) with Certificate Number 003.7/EQC-PHPL/X/2021 issued by Certification Body of PT Equality Indonesia.
PHPL-SVLK is Indonesian Timber Legality Verification System, jointly developed and endorsed by European Union (EU) through Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) programme to meet European Union Forestry Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) licensing requirements that went into force in March 2013.